//This is the file test.cpp
//This program tests the DateType class.
#include "dateType.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
dateType today;
dateType anotherDay;

today.initialize(9, 24, 2019);
anotherDay.initialize(9, 25, 2019);
cout << " Today is " << today.monthIs() << "/"
     << today.dayIs() << "/"
     << today.yearIs() << endl;
cout << " Another date is " << anotherDay.monthIs()
     << "/" << anotherDay.dayIs() << "/"
     << anotherDay.yearIs() << endl;
    switch (today.comparedTo(anotherDay))
    case LESS :
          cout << "today comes before anotherDay";
    case GREATER :
          cout << "today comes after anotherDay";
    case EQUAL :
          cout << "today and anotherDay are the same";
return 0;